The world and I am
the only one
The trees , the sea
, the mountains , the clouds , the moon
And am the only one
walking , jumping , dancing , laughing, singing
The winter ,the
summer , the spring , the rain
Am the only one
shivering , wetting , sweating
The jesus , the
allah , the vishnu , the amma
I am the only one
praying , beseeching ,wishing
The love , the
beauty , the perfection , the kindness , the passion ,
I am the only one
loving , staring , becoming , bestowing , living
The world and I am
the only one.
The music , the
words , the painting , the books
I am the only one
listening , speaking , drawing ,
The mum , the dad ,
the brother , the sister , the friends , the special friends
But I am the only
one loving ,embracing , hugging .
The fear , the
hatred , the jealousy , the sex , the death
But I am the only
one hating , envying , longing sex , dying.
The men , women ,
children , the old , the all
And I am the only
one living because "THEY JUST DON’T EXIST "
The world and I am
the only one.
what i actually meant ..that is y i was till now not able to give my 100% coz of fear , what others think , criticism , hypocrisy y not let i live as if they just dont exist
The "topic " is inspired by
the words of a great architectural engineer Krishna Rao jaisim during his conversation with deepraj
jha. Word was "they just don’t