It can start with
old photos , revisiting schools , colleges , old home etc. Strangest things
begin to happen when you are submerged into nostalgic feelings. You feel the
possibility to touch your past yet it
forever goes tangentially just like the blow of wind . And if you are unfortunate enough to listen to some soothing or similar
kind of music at the same time you will go only deeper into the ocean and yet
will remain enough far from reliving those experience. But these nostalgic
moments does much more, if for a while we forget our present and allow
ourselves to fall freely into this ocean. And then we observe the change we
have been , so much things should have been retained with us but they all or
few have been lost during the journey from past to present. Rhetoric it may sound ,nostalgia reminds us of few things we just need to grab
it immediately from the past. Whether
it was to smile for no reasons , care freely laughing like mad , making friends
without any boundaries , fearlessness , being oblivion to disrespect and dishonor and above
all being happy for no reasons or perhaps microscopic reasons. Each of us have so many things to
take back from the few minutes of
nostalgia . (Taking assumption that each has some imperfection)
those days,,,!!!